Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seedfolks Pre-During-Post Activities


Students will read about Paul Fleischman. They will discuss his purpose in writing this story. Students will act out his biography. Students will make predictions of what the story will be about.

Students will discuss their neighborhoods and what it is like to be a neighbor. Students will discuss what can bring a neighborhood up or down.

A brief (real) history of the setting of the story.

We will have a class discussion on what a multiple voiced narrative is and how to tackle it with little or no confusion.


Discussion question: Why does Ana assumes negative things about Kim? How does she feel when she realizes she was wrong?

Discussion question: Why do you think that the young become old and the old become young when they immigrate to America.

Discussion question:  How do a person’s cultural customs, traditions, language, media, and art influence how they think about other cultures and religions.

Drawing Activity: Draw a picture of the garden and what the characters are planting and where and why

Character Graphic Organizer:

What they are planting and why.


Writing Activity: Write yourself in the story. Write your own personal experience. What you would plant and why?

Writing Activity: Pick one of the main themes of the book and write a 2-3 page paper on the connections you made with the book as someone who lives in New York City.

 Major themes include: Immigration, Urban city life, Breaking down of cultural barriers within a community, Community needs and values, Diversity, Importance of Character Voice, Importance of  Language, Working together, Gardening,)

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