Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seedfolks Writing Activities

  • Pair up with another person in the class and create a script between two characters in the story and predict what kind of a conversation they would have. What would they talk about? What would they have in common? What would make them different or what would they argue about? Would they learn from each other?

  • Pick one character from the book and write their extended and detailed biography or write in the first personal and write it as their autobiography. What important experiences have they been through? Have they been discriminated against? What are their goals in life? What are their fears? Where did they learn their ideologies from?

  • Keep a journal and respond to each character as yourself. What do you think about the character. What did like you/dislike/admire about them? Can you relate to them? Do you know anyone who can?

  • Write a letter as yourself to one of the characters in the book. Console them. Give them advice. Ask them questions. Compliment them. Critique them. Make it personal and meaningful as if they were a real person.
  • Create a sociological newspaper article on the conditions of living in Cleveland during the time of this book. What are the living conditions? What are the health violations? Are the streets clean? Are the apartments up to code? IS the area safe? What are the demographics of the people living in this area? Is there racism or discriminations? What are some of the known stereotypes? Is this city falling apart or is there a way to improve it? If you were mayor how would you improve Cleveland?
  • Write a poem about one of the characters in the 1st person or in the 3rd person.

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